Friday, April 11, 2008

Sickness never ending

Not Tahlia this time. Mommy. She's sick. Bad sick. Sick with green phlegm, sick. It started last Saturday. We tried to go the homeopathic route, but on Sunday, at 11:35 PM, Daddy made a run to the 24 hour CVS pharmacy for some cough syrup. It did absolutely nothing. Mommy states that she has razor blades in her throat, and she didn't sleep for Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and most of Tuesday.

She is slowly improving and will be well soon; we all hope.

Currently, Tahlia likes to say, "Tahlia not sick. Daddy not sick. Ahta' not sick. Suki not sick. Mommy sick."

On an earlier day this week, Mommy was feeling so bad that she began to cry. Whenever somebody cries, Tahlia always wants to know why. Mommy told her it was because she feels so poorly, then she went into the kitchen. Tahlia asked me why Mommy was crying, and I reiterated that Mommy was sick and needed a lot of love because love can fix everything. Tahlia looked at me for a moment, then walked into the kitchen. Mommy told me that Tahlia went over and gave her a big hug.

Promptly after the hug, she said, "Mommy, you better now?"
Mommy replied, "Yes."
With that, Tahlia returned to the living room and let me know, "Mommy all better."

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