Friday, November 28, 2008


He must be the only baby in the world who has called his mother's name first.

Evidently, saying "Da-da" is far easier for a baby than saying "Ma-ma." Evidently, that is only true some of the time. I have yet to hear a "Da" come out of my son's mouth.

But "Ma-Mamamamamamm"s are everywhere in our house.

It started about two days ago when Asher sucked in his lower lip and let out a "mmmammamammam." I was ecstatics and told him he did a great job saying "Ma-ma." He smiled, especially when Mommy ran into the room. Since that day, any time he makes any sound resembling a "m," Mommy comes running. Now, pretty much on cue, if you ask him to say "Ma-ma", he will smile and let out a pretty close approximation.

Of course, Tahlia joins in because she wants some of the kisses that Mommy is raining upon Asher.

And, because she is magnanimous, and, because she can speak, she sees that Daddy needs some attention too, and will let out a "Da-da."

I think it is because she doesn't want me to be left out, but it could be so that she can attain the kisses that I freely give for any sound that resembles my name.

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