Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Children mix up their pronouns. It's very common.

Something that Tahlia does is often let us know that we need to help her. We have worked with Tahlia to let her know that, since she can speak so well, rather than cry, she should use her words to let us know what she needs. And, if she needs help, all she needs to do is let us know and we will help her.

Because of this, we often hear her say, "Daddy, help I."

She knows how to use me. But for some reason, she often uses I.

Sometimes it's, "Mommy, pick I up."

Or maybe, "Daddy, come with I."

Since she says this so often, we sometimes call her "I." She'll be sitting someplace and I'll say, "Hey I, come with me."

This is probably how nicknames occur. She already has enough nicknames, though, so we'll probably have to let the "I" go.

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